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From where did Columbo come ?

Columbo's genesis dated from march 1960, when Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine published a short story, written by two old friends, W. Link and R. Levinson. First entitled May I come in? by the writers, it was then entitled Dear corpus delecti.

Reversed enigma
In this little story, we have the concept of reversed enigma, very scarcely used in mystery  stories. 

Could have a movie inspired and encouraged the authors, Link and Levinson in this specific dimension ? 

My guess is yes, an Hitchcock’s one produced in 1954 :  Dial M for Murder.  Excepted the detective, very styled english character, we have there most of ingredients of what could have provided an oustanding Columbo episode. 


Underdog detective
The original mystery just tell us a couple of things about the detective - little man, who looked insignificant - who just appears at the very end for saying what has given the title : «  May I come in ? »
Yet without this specific underdog character, Columbo wouldn’t have probably been created.  Same question than above : what famous movie could have inspired our coupe of authors ?  I would plead there for Quai des Orfèvres directed in 1947 by Clouzot.  Played so marvellously by Louis Jouvet, detective Antoine is the first officer of police – not a private – shown as a modest, very ordinary man, almost a poor man.  Ok Antoine is rather sad and doesn’t have this kind of childishness that gives Columbo a great part of his charm coz the third ingredient doesn’t come from a movie.  Peter Falk has created what is one of the biggest characters of film history.
But Antoine as well as Columbo, insignificant little cop, is outstandingly smart and effective.

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