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You can upload  Pdf  files of Fatal Break revised treatment as well as other material such as the french version, another Columbo story I wrote, the outline of another one and the french adaptation of the original play upon which the 1st Columbo teleplay was based on.
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Fatal Break (original revised treatment)​
Did anybody know Columbo's family was coming from North-East of Italia, not far from Cortina d'Ampezzo, in the amazing Dolomites Mountains where Cliff Hanger opening scene was shot?  
Imagine a perfect murder committed there by an American who takes advantage of his outstanding skills in the art of rock climbing:  he set up a fake accident to get rid of his very rich wife who where about to divorce.  But at the bottom of the fatal wall, are hiking a young officer of italian mountain police corps and his old uncle come from California to spend some vacations :  Columbo...

Based on Rupture Fatale by Olivier Cazeaux (1993).
Treatment read in March 1996 by Peter Falk  who submitted it to Universal Studios.
Agreement with Universal Television signed off in March 1997.
Revision completed in June 1998, under the control of Peter Falk, Rob Levine and Nancy Meyer, exec.


​Confessional Open​ ​​​​(original Columbo story)
​Our WGA agent Stephanie Rogers submitted this story to Universal and Peter Falk during Fatal Break revision process.   Stephanie thought it was a very well structured story, professionally made.  She liked it more again than Fatal Break.  Though Peter and his mates did like it too, they didn't go through by fear of possible problems it was likely to trigger with the Catholics:  the murderer is a priest, even if his motive has something noble.

A Hint of Murder (Columbo story outline)

Usually film producers never read freelance writers outlines.  Stephanie Rogers took advantage Peter was satisfied by the revision process to submit this idea which brings all the ingredients to write a treatment.  Once again they liked it at the Columbo Dpt. but didn't go through, using the context of cosmetics had been yet the set of an episode (Lovely but Lethal).​

In fact A Hint of Murder shows the universe of perfume with, it's my conviction, a very sophisticated plot that could have given a very good episode.

Une Etrange Tasse de Th頠​(Fatal Break french version)

I've change the original title not only because Fatal Break is (even based on) another story than Rupture Fatale but also because of the role taken in the plot by a clue, a rock handhold
named by american climbers The Cup of Tea, offering the last instant of serenity before a very hard section. 

 Lieutenant Columbo (French play, adaptation of original play Prescription:  Murder)


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